Sunday, July 30, 2006


Even though I'm 29 years old today, and 30 is so close, it doesn't bother me yet. Probably because in my mind I'm still 22 and could be hanging out in my dorm room studying for finals, watching FRIENDS with MY friends or going to the beach any time I want. Maybe it's also because I'm pretty darn happy with my life. When I think about turning 30 or 40 my mind doesn't jump to the wrinkles that will be added to my face or the widdening hips and sagging... you get the idea. When I think about the future, my first thought is about my kids. (Don't worry...that's not an announcement. ) I think about Carson and future mini-Tompkins and what they will be like and what my relationship will be with them. I wonder if they'll have good friendships like I did and find godly people to marry. Will they have acne to worry about? Will they have their hearts broken? I wonder if they'll get good grades or if Trent and I will follow through with our plan to take our teenagers to Europe. Heck, 29 feels young! There's SO much life to live. Then again, ask me again in 365 days. Maybe I'll be singing a different tune!

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