Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm a dork.

Confession: I have been feeling a little sorry for myself lately that no one has been commenting on my ever-so-timely blogging. So, I had a few moments tonight and decided to check to see that anyone can enter a comment. Fiddling around with the settings on the blogger host (which, BTW, has been having several problem days lately) I stumbled upon an entire page worth of comments from all of you, my dear friends and readers! Somehow I had FORBIDDEN your comments from being posted! There are a few of you determined and faithful commenters who tried several times to get your comment posted, so now your comment is up several times. And all along, it was MY OWN FAULT that you couldn't see the comments! Oh dear. I am humbled. Thanks to those of you who do comment. Any blogger likes to know that others are looking. Sorry you were silenced temporarily. COMMENT AWAY!


Brazenlilly said...

I gotta give it a test run.

Carrie said...

YAY! I know I was one of those people who posted the same comment 47 times wonderng where it was going. Glad to see that I'm not being censored and my 1st Amendment right is back in place!