A few months ago, we began the awkward transition between two naps a day to one nap a day. There are times (like today) when Carson just wakes up too early or sleeps too poorly to be awake and in a good mood all morning. But most days, I try to keep him awake until after lunch so he can take one good nap. As you can see, that leads to some half-finished lunches.

Also, please don't judge me by the foods you see on the tray. I promise we feed him more than quesadillas, mac & cheese, and crackers!
Sweet boy. I just want to hold him! Ethan fell asleep just yesterday in his high chair. I haven't tried a quesadilla yet. Maybe Ethan will have that for lunch today.
What? Are you saying there's something wrong with only feeding your kids quesadillas, M&C, and crackers???
1) Stop it with the cuteness. I'm wondering if Henry will ever fall asleep in his high chair...I'm going with "no." (b/c he associates it with food, which is his fav thing)
2) The boys got to eat! Quesadillas is an awesome idea! I'll have to remember that one for later.
**longest comment ever**
Okay, the comment looked longer in the writing box.
Oh, I just figured they were soy based, nut-free, dairy-free, range-fed, no nitrates, fully organic quesadillas. Elisha eats those all the time.:)
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