Thursday, June 07, 2007

Weapons of Mass Suds

I remember several months ago someone asked me if we were going to allow Carson to have toy guns. It totally caught me by surprise, because I had never even thought about it. We still haven't really formed a household policy, but have noticed that Carson (especially with some encouragement from a couple aunts and uncles) turns even his sippy cup into a sort of water gun. Then for Easter at Gma and Gpa Tompkins' house, he got this hilarious bubble gun, and seriously, who could say no to this? He had a blast shooting everyone, and even showering himself with all the bubbles.


Peaby said...

That's AWESOME! I want one too...

sarah said...

I love the last one. How fun! Ethan's got to get one =)!

woosterweester said...


This comment is totally unrelated to the above pics, but nonetheless MUST be stated. WHERE DID THE BLACK BUTTE GHOST VIDEO GO? I've tried to pull it up a few times for Elisha, but the video screen on your blog is blank. What up with that? This is like losing a binkie! Help!:)
