My apologies to Henry, because I pulled the camera out after he and his mommy left Jenna's suprise 30th b-day party the other day. And it was one of the first times he was WALKING around with the other boys! The three remaining boys were having fun running around and playing with each other, and being very funny. 

I even got a little video of Carson and Nate tormenting Ethan. Obviously, the parents were quite entertained.

I even got a little video of Carson and Nate tormenting Ethan. Obviously, the parents were quite entertained.
I am so BUMMED that I stopped filming, because right after I stopped, these guys turned into Larry, Moe and Curly. Ethan stopped dead in his tracks and all three fell down like dominoes, only to get back up again and chase and fall some more.
I love it love it love it!!! The video is the best. That was so much fun! Thanks for taking some pictures and video of that fun day!
Ethan of course was laughing when we watched and would say, "again" at the end of the clip.
What a HOOT! Comments of the parents in the background add a nice touch.
don't worry about little miss CPS and the poopy diaper story.... but the fence falling down on your child with laugher in the background might be another story. ;)
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