I've been chastised for not keeping up with my usual blogginess. Sorry about that. And at least 2 people (my husband included) have confessed that they open the page with some disappointment when they see "just words" and no pictures, so here's a post to appease you illiterates. ;)
This is just a random, slightly out-of-focus pic of Carson yesterday, mugging as usual. In fact, this is the furthest I could get him away from the camera. For some reason the angle of the shot or the slightly oversized sweater makes him look like he has Popeye shoulders and skinny little waist, but I think it's just an optical illusion. Carson has been pretty sick this last week. I've never seen him lose his appetite like this before. He hardly ate solid foods for about 5 days--just a bite or two here and there. We were force-feeding him smoothies and Carnation instant breakfast. I won't get into great detail, but another symptom was explosive diarrhea for several days. In fact, he can now say "I have diarrhea!" And after "I love you" isn't that a phrase you want to hear most?!
Yesterday I walked into the kitchen and he was sitting at the table drinking my water and looking at a toy catalog! I'm not making this up! I told him to point to what he wanted.

The toys r us toy catalog has come in handy with us. If he's in his high chair and I need a couple minutes while I'm getting his dinner ready, he checks out the catalog. Of course his signature "whoa" is said quite often when he sees a truck or animal. He even requests the catalog sometimes at mealtime.
JEM is truly outrageous.
Truly, truly, truly outrageous. OH JEM.
JEM her music’s contagious…
With lyrics like that- who didn't love JEM!
Glad Carson is feeling a little better.
I loved JEM! At first I typed JEN. JEN, JE-EN is truly outrageous... :) Poor Carson. I'm so sorry about the yucky poo-poo part. I can't wait to hear him say diarrhea, though. Hee.
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