Thursday, December 20, 2007

Baby Jack is HERE!

The wait was long for us, and I know it was longer for Becky and Mike, but finally their healthy, beautiful son was in their arms and not in her tummy. His full name is John Hayes, but they decided he will be called Jack, so Baby Jack it is. There will be many blog posts (Eric and Sarah already beat me to it!) of his birthday, and I think we all know that's just the beginning. For about 10 minutes when the family first crowded into the room, this kid had more flash bulbs on him than Britney Spears. He is absolutely GORGEOUS! Oh, and also...10 lbs 5 oz! HELLO!?!? Good call on the c-section, doc. 20.5 inches long, dark hair and long, dark eye-lashes.Becky is such a trooper! And gracious...she let all of us come in at the same time to meet him and hug and cry with her. I remember the feeling when my best friends started having babies. It was unreal. Then when other best friends had babies that I'm around all the time and they feel like my real nephews. But nothing could prepare me for the overwhelming emotion of seeing my little brother become a father! It was totally amazing. I must have annoyed people saying over and over: Mike is a Dad! That boy is Mike's! I just grin thinking about what a wonderful daddy he is going to be, and his glowing joy is just contagious!
Three Bunch generations! Way to carry on the family name, Jack.


Anonymous said...

Oh my little almost Birthday Buddy! He is so cute. He doesn't look like a newborn because is is so big! That is how big Tan was at 1 month old! We might need to have a cage match in March!
I love him already. He is lucky to have an Aunt like you. As is Tanner!

Unknown said...

I left a comment for Mike but forgot to say how BEAUTIFUL little Jack is! Looking at him makes me think I'd like having a son someday.:) He looks so snugglable!

Aj Schwanz said...

Aw: congrats to one and all! I can't wait to see some Carson/Jack pictures. Hope everyone is recovering and settling well.

Kristi said...

YEAH!!! He is a BABE!! Give it up for c-section babies and their perfectly round heads! :o) Give our love to them all...and p.s. I think you and Mike are twins!!! It's amazing how much you two are looking like each other as you "age." :o)

Pam Markley said...

I almost cried reading about you watching your brother becoming a dad...I just found out yesterday that I am going to be an aunt for the first time! Congratulations Aunt Jen!