SO, it's a long story. Hang in there with me. My husband, Trent, is a physical therapist at the main hospital in town. I don't want to use the name to try to maintain some decorum and professionalism. :) He works primarily with kids, but also some adults in an out-patient setting. In the last couple of years, on top of doing his job, which he loves, he has volunteered and BEEN volunteered to do lots of extra-curricular things for his job, from serving on numerous committees to heading up the implementation of a huge new computer documentation system in his department.
Today, his BIG BOSS MAN (not supervisor, not manager, the one with the big office who reports to the VP) 's assistant called Trent and told him that one of Trent's midday appointments had been cancelled and that BBMAN would like to Trent to lunch off campus. Hmmm...very curious. BBMAN and his assistant picked Trent up outside and took him to a nice restaurant for lunch.
Trent, being Trent, when asked if he had any idea what the lunch was for, made the joke, "Well, I don't suppose you'd bring me all the way out here to fire me!" To which BBMAN replied, "Oh, no. Quite the oppossite." They proceeded to tell Trent that he is being awarded something similar to employee of the year. My dear husband still can't quite remember the exact title, but it is something like Service Excellence award. BBMAN tried to impart the hugeness of this award. "This is a BIG deal!" He kept saying.
There are over 3600 employees at the hospital, and only ONE gets this award each year! About 250 people are nominated by patients or colleagues, then a committee narrows the selection down to about 80, then weeds it down to about 10 finalists. From there the committee interviews and takes into consideration feedback from colleagues from his department and others, supervisors, patients, support staff, physicians, community members, etc, and choose ONE person in the WHOLE HOSPITAL to present this award. AND TRENT GOT IT!
OK, yes, I'm totally bragging on my hubby! He would never post this, even if he did have a blog, and I'm not even sure how many of his friends he would tell, so what is a big-mouthed wife to do? Also, there is an awards ceremony in about a month, and Trent is basically the guest of honor. People who have been working at the hospital for 5 years and 20 years get recognition, but his award is one of the main events. A LIMO will be picking Trent and me up to take us to the award dinner, where he will have his picture taken with the mayor and the CEO of the hospital to hang in the main hospital lobby with other winners from previous years. HELLO!?!
Anyway, I just wanted to share this proud moment. BBMAN said it was a pivotal point in his career, even better than a promotion. (That's nice, but doesn't a promotion come with more money?) Also, it's never been given to someone who has been at the hospital for such a short time (about 4 years). You would think that we would celebrate this momentous day with a nice dinner out, but alas, as previously mentioned, this prestigious honor comes with no monetary compensation, just pride. So, we went to Dairy Queen and split a blizzard. That's a little more in out budget. :)

What a great story... thanks for sharing it. Next thing you know, he'll be on the cover of the HIU magazine (right up there with Ashley). ;) Seriously, it's so great he loves what he is doing and is being recognized. Thanks for sharing the story. I feel proud too. :)
AAGH! Did you get my message on your phone? I am a total mess...I got so emotional for you and Trent. I am so proud. He is such a good man, good husband, and an obviously brilliant physical therapist. We are SO HAPPY for you both! Can't wait to hear all about the limo ride and the big night!
Good job, Big Mouth Wife, in telling the world! Great husbands and hard workers should get recognition--both at awards ceremonies and in blogs!
That is so awesome - congratulations Trent!
Yay! I literally got chills. That is so exciting! Thanks for being a proud wife and posting the news!
Woohoo! I know him!
Way to go, Trent!
That's awesome news! Yah Trent! What an honor - and he totally deserves it. Now you get your "turning 30" limo...for FREE! :)
You get a prom afterall!!!!:) I mean, long live the winter banquet and all but a limo?!?! Suh-wheat! Seriously, that's awesome news. Reminds me of a great verse..."All hard work brings a profit..." You go Trent! I think you should have your limo drive thru Dairy Queen on the way so you can each have your OWN blizzard.
Way to go Trent! He's deserving of it all and way to go Jen for sharing it wiht us. Can't wait to hear about it all post limo.
YEAH TRENT! and I must say behind every good man is a great woman! Don't forget your role in this story!
Oh..and I am gonna be in Oregon at the end of Feb...tea? DQ? Anything? I am sure to be spending some time with Tara and Michelle but it would be awesome to see you and C man in person!
Congrats, Trent! Well done on sharing the exciting news and great story! I just might go eat a blizzard in Trent's honor! :) Can't wait to hear how it all goes!
Very very cool, oh so proud wife: you both do good work.
And hello: sign up for Blizzard emails, and they send you "buy one/get one free" blizzard coupons! So everyone's butts can get bigger at the same time - ha! :D
Congrats to Trent! That is an awesome honor, but somehow I'm not surprised.
Actually my sister in law was saying that her really good friend Seth works with Trent at the hospital... at least we think it's the same Seth and Trent.(: He's studying to become a nurse practitioner at the hospital and talks about a funny Trent with a wife named Jen... must be you guys right?!
Way to go... and thanks for sharing the very impressive news.
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