Here I'm pretty sure he is explaining the news to anyone within earshot.

I will spare you the details of the decision/discussion on toddler bed vs. twin bed, as well as the victory of finding a total steal on the bed and a dresser ($150 for both!), and especially the insane headache that was putting together the bed and the dresser, which reminded me why it was such a great deal. I will tell you that the first night in the bed was NOT good. It took over 3 hours for Carson to fall asleep from the time we started our nightly bedtime ritual. (He kept crying: "I want my crib!" and ended up sleeping on the crib mattress on the floor NEXT to the big bed.) Last night was night #2 and it went a little better (45 minutes), and he slept IN the big bed. We're hoping this is a trend that continues. Thank you all for your genuine or feigned interest in the minutiae of our lives. Now...back to my schoolwork.
Yah, Carson! What a big boy! So is that a twin bed then? When Henry switches over, he's getting the FULL size bed. Eeeeek.
First of all, it is ADORABLE.
Second of all, I will pray for you. That's a big step for ALL of you! :o) (I will leave out our horror stories as to not frighten you.)
Great deal on the bed. Impressive! Even more impressive, the fact that I think you've bravely and sanely tackled big changes this last year...moving, new house, pregnancy, substitute teaching, online courses, and now the always daunting bed transition. I too will leave out horror stories since it looks like C-dawg is beating the odds.
I love his surfboard theme room. It is too cute. What a big boy! 2 1/2 years old! Tanner can't wait to have another slumber party with you!!!
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