Wow, thanks for all your sweet comments on the last post. If I could have foreseen that I might have gained 30 pounds, cut my hair and whined about it a long time ago. ;)
Sorry, one more pregnancy post this week. Another symptom I have had in both pregnancies is that I have really bizarre and random dreams, and I remember them more clearly than normal. With Carson in utero, I specifically remember JJ and I being chased through a huge house by a sweet older woman in my choir who slightly resembles the grandma on the Tweety Bird cartoons. She was chasing us with a gigantic shotgun.
This time there have been some wierd ones, but last night I had a dream about Brian Williams, NBC Nightly News anchor. Now, it was nothing really scandalous, but there was some definite school-girl-like adoration on my part in the dream. I guess I do find him attractive, partly because I've seen (on other venues) that he is really funny. Don't worry--I told Trent. But seriously, how random is that?

Hubba hubba!
Brian Williams?!?! I don't know you.:)
That is a funny dream indeed! But more importantly, I didn't get to gush the compliments on you after your last post, so here they go a little late. You're the cutest pregnant thing ever and I love the hair! Hang in there! The end is in sight! Hop in a pool if you get a chance. It feels great at the end of pregnancy for the cool water and for the buoyancy.
I too have a crush on Brian Williams after he was on SNL. And I'm NOT pregnant. YIKKES!
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