Just in case you need a post that does not use the words "undies," "poop" "potty" and "pee," here's a change of pace. (Not that I get any such reprieve.)
As previously mentioned, last Saturday we had a great day, with both of our families coming to our house for a Father's Day celebration and family work day. It was really fun. We got a great deal on a swingset and have been excited to get it set up, but knew it would require lots of help that a 9 month pregger could not provide. Trent worked hard to get all the materials organized before most of the workers came. (There are 21 "phases" to set this thing up!)
Here's Handywoman Jojo jumping in.

Then, it was time for the inaugural climb and slide! Looks like we have a winner.
On an unrelated note, I have to toot my own horn and say that I made one of my all-time favorite summer desserts. These are brownie ice-cream sandwiches WITH Magic Shell, and they are, in my humble opinion, to die for. The picture doesn't do them justice. YUM! I knew that I wouldn't feel like doing all that work for the rest of the summer, so I'd better make them now!

Strategic timing on your part--pregnancy is good for a few things!
Also, those brownie ice cream sandwiches DO look to die for! I'll take one, as it's sweltering here.
Lastly, I typed up a huge comment on Aris' Blackberry regarding your potty training ordeals, but when I got to the end, I couldn't read the security code for some reason, so I lost it. Bummer. However, I do want to say that you can start out following the tips and tricks, but don't underestimate your gut instinct. I had one that quickly figured out that accidents weren't a punishable offense, and as sson as the "shiny" was off the M&Ms, she would just pee wherever she wanted. We also used the no pants thing when we were at home for speed. So I evebtually had to start making judgement calls on if there was spite or intrntion behind the accidents. Not as easy taks, but getting rid of the free pass brought an amazing speed to her "sudden" ability to remember the potty. Just another perspective to throw your way! Keep up the good work!
You guys find the greatest deals! Oh, and seriously...I can almost taste those brownie ice cream sandwiches. Way to celebrate your last couple weeks of pregnancy in style!
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