Well, the rest of Day 1 deteriorated quickly. Rather than relying on the timer, Carson seemed to master the art of peeing in minuscule increments, approx 7 minutes apart, so that he could maximize his sticker and candy potential, and maximize my patience level and lower back pain. By the time nap time rolled around, I was EXHAUSTED! And I knew he was too. However, he refused to take a nap. This normally hasn't been an issue...he just has to stay in his room anyway, even if he protests. But this time, he had me trapped. Even though I put a pull-up on him for safekeeping during sleeping, he would call out to me "Mom! I have to go pee!" What am I supposed to do? I mean, this is the FIRST DAY of training. Should I tell him to hold it? Does he even know what that means? Go in his pull-up? Doesn't that negate everything we've been working on all day? He was clearly manipulating the system, but somehow managed to produce that 1/2 tsp of pee each time. I tried to discourage it by telling him he could come out and go, but no more stickers or candy until after nap. Didn't work. The 2 hours usually spent sleeping were spent arguing, peeing, running away, refusing to put unders or a pull-up back on, back-talk, spanks (I assure you, they had nothing to do with accidents), tears, books....everything BUT sleep. At one point, he was really upset with me, and then he peed on the bathroom floor. I SWEAR he did it to spite me, but I can't prove it. I finally gave up on either of us resting, and that evening, even with Trent home fresh to entertain, Carson was acting, well, exactly like a toddler with no nap. I wasn't exactly a chipper, doting wife, either. Carson went to bed around 7:30, which hasn't happened since he was 9 months old. (He was up at 5:45 am.)
I decided to have a good attitude this morning, because today is a NEW DAY! We had to have our first out-of-house journey this morning, and after the poop incident yesterday, I didn't risk it. I put a pull-up on him. We had to go to my Dr.'s appointment, and Carson behaved wonderfully. He even peed on the potty at the office. Then we stopped by the Dollar Tree (thanks, AJ!) to get more stickers, since he used up so many yesterday with his dozens of thimble-cup-sized pees.
I don't know if you can actually see this, but I wanted to document exactly how much (or more accurately, how little) liquid he was producing and expecting the reward.
He has had three total accidents today, which is kind of frustrating, because I thought we were getting the hang of this. I try to stay really gentle and positive while expressing how much better it would be if we didn't have to clean it up and what a bummer it is that he missed out on sticker and M 'n M. One of those was another big poop in the underpants. The bananas have helped a little, ifyouknowwhatImean, but it was still a mess and a huge hassle. I'm worried that this is something we'll be dealing with for a while.

However, the drilling finally wore him out today, as you can see from this picture taken about 30 minutes ago. So, at least he'll be in a better mood tonight, I get to update all you eager readers, eat my lunch in peace and then maybe even close my eyes for a bit. I'll be sure to update you if anything momentous occurs!

OH Jen! You have my utmost sympathies and I think you need to start a sticker reward chart of your own...you deserve it!
I swear that potty training is worse than a newborn. At least with a newborn, it cries and you give it the boob... :) :) With a toddler, they cry and poop their pants in the middle of the grocery store, church or anywhere you don't seem to have a change of clothes and underwear.
Really, what finally worked for us was to have him spend time with a little friend that's a smidge older and has the poddy thing down pat. Its toddler peer pressure at its finest. :)
Head up, young person! You're doing a GREAT job. For me it always gets SO yucky to the point that I want to give up, and then things usually take a turn for the better. Not instantaneously, but better.
I remember after three days of training Judah that I was ready to throw in the towel. But then Thursday he started to catch on. Of course, there were setbacks, but it's SO nice not to change diapers!
I think Judah must know that Carson is in training. At lunch today Jason was outside putting something away in the shed. Judah, who had been outside for a bit, came inside crying and ran up to the bathroom. Jason came storming afterwards, informing me that "someone" had been pooping behind the shed. Joys never cease. :D
You are doing a GREAT job Jen... Hang in there! :o)
And you even got a comment out of Jaime - UBER IMPRESSIVE! :o)
I'm in SERIOUS SUSPENSE...how did day 3 go?!?!
You will have great potty stories to tell Carson when he gets older and has to go through this with his own children :) Sweet revenge. That seems to be one thing that helps me make it through with Cason, is to know that one day (hopefully) he will be able to realize all of my hard work when he is raising his own kids. ;)
We are going through potty training in our house too! The last time we had a #2 accident in BB unders, I didn't even mess with the sink. They went in the toilet to soak for a minute before I did a better wash in the tub. I figure there's nothing in there that my hands didn't just touch. EEEwww!! Hang in there, friend!
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