She's here! Sydney Paige Tompkins made her debut yesterday morning at 9:41 am. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 12 oz. Even after all that "get ready" yada yada on my previous post, turns out I did not really think she was ready, so I was pretty surprised when my contractions started coming on strong yesterday morning between 4-5pm. I woke Trent up at 5 and told him we'd better get packed. I'll probably post some of the fun details between 5 and 9:41 (the stuff that really only mothers and other newish mothers care about) later, but not today! I'll sum up to say that the labor and delivery for Carson and for Sydney were like DAY and NIGHT, and that's a good thing. It was still painful and difficult, but it was SO much faster. I felt a familiar overwhelming sense of gratitude and relief when she was out and healthy. We've learned that to carry a baby from conception to a healthy, full-term infant is truly a miracle and a blessing. I'm tired and sore, but thankful. Also, I'm a geek, because 3 hours later I asked if anyone had a laptop so I could blog. :) Check out Mike's blog for more pics, but here are a couple to hold you over.

OH.MY.GOODNESS. If Eva weren't napping I'd be screaming out loud!!!!! I am SO excited for you guys and so glad the labor and delivery was better this time around. Isn't it funny how each time really IS different?! She's beautiful! Can't wait to see her in person, hopefully before she's graduating from highschool or something. Hugs and kisses to all.
Congrats Jen she is beautiful and I am so impressed that you are already blogging. I have to admit though I have checked a couple of times today to see if you had posted pics. Hope you have a speedy recovery and I am so glad you labor was much better this time around.
Yeah!!! We are so happy for you guys! Can't wait to see her in person. Take care...Eric and Michelle
She is beautiful! My Mom told me that you had gone into labor. Whew! That was fast! Congratulations!
Since I got the text message picture, I have been checked your blog about twenty times. She really is beautiful. I'm not a mommy but I would love to read the details. I'm also interested to hear how Carson is taking it all.
That bottom picture says something like, "I can't believe you put me through all that... thanks a lot mom..."
I'm so happy for you all.
Yay!! Those pictures are adorable and I can't wait to hear/read the details! I am so happy that Sydney(love the name) is here safe and sound, and that you are doing well. It truly IS a miracle no matter how often it happens, I agree, Can't wait to share baby girl stories. :) I love you!
Congratulations on your little miracle! She is beautiful. Enjoy every moment!
PS - I'm so impressed at your blogging abilities. I mean, REALLY impressed.
Ah Jen! She's gorgeous!!! I am so thankful that she is here and everyone is well! I'm looking forward to more pictures soon! Give your boys a hug and welcome little Sydney! Love, Mrs. M
Yay! I am so glad that you she is here and healthy! I look forward to the details! Get some rest!
awww jen she is just gorgeous and what a beautiful name you and trent have chosen. Congrats and hope you all get some rest. sending you all squeezes. jen white
This is so worthy of a "happy happy joy joy" dance! You all look fantastic. And I'm so happy I'm not the only one who wanted to be online post-birthing experience (although it was mostly instructing Jason: post this! Share this! Use that picture - it's cuter). :)
Welcome to the world, newest little one: you've got some excellent hosts who will show you all the ropes. I bless you with joy in your daily life, humor during the rough spots, and abounding love that comes from knowing you are deeply loved by your family and your Father.
Your mama's blog friend
She is beautiful...simply perfect...and in that second picture, looks JUST like Carson. Too sweet.
Congratulations! So glad it was easier on you this time. She is so adorable, can't wait to meet her!
What a good looking little girl! Congratulaitons on your cute addition!
What a delight! CONGRATULATIONS She's lovely.
I'm here in Canada and checking the blog every chance I get! She's so beautiful Jen and yes... I want to hear all the "great" birth story details, those are your bragging rights.(: I'm so grateful to hear it went better than the first time.
love you,
Congratulations! She is so cute! I am so excited for you that you have a sweet baby to cuddle. It doesn't get much better than that...enjoy!
Hmm, the 18th comment...looks like no one reads your blog Jen :) She is ADORABLE. I know I am done, three is enough for me, but I can't help but long for those feelings you feel the first few days of having a brand new baby! I hope Carson is handling it all well. And most importantly I hope you are getting a little rest! Maybe sometime soon our Eliza Paige can meet your Sydney Paige! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
She is adorable! Congratulations!
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