I think I mentioned a few posts ago that after Sydney was born, Trent and Carson went ahead and joined his family for a short camping trip at Diamond Lake. It sounds like they had a great time camping and fishing and hanging out together. I can tell it was also some special time between father and son. Here's some pics of the boys (in their OSU gear), courtesy of Aunt Michelle.
Carson was helping Bryan build a fire.

Fishing with his new pole and new life jacket!
Safety first--thank you, Auntie.
Then on the 4th of July they went down to Harrisburg for the parade and lunch with the fam. The highlight was that Trent and Carson got to ride (and kind of drive) a BIG TRACTOR!

Here's a video of the two getting their ride. I'm not sure who had more fun---Carson or Trent! The quality of the video doesn't come across very well on the blog, but Carson is steering and he had a huge grin on his face.

Fishing with his new pole and new life jacket!

Here's a video of the two getting their ride. I'm not sure who had more fun---Carson or Trent! The quality of the video doesn't come across very well on the blog, but Carson is steering and he had a huge grin on his face.
Those are great pictures! I know we keep saying this, but good grief! Our kids are growing up so fast! Carson is just the cutest kid (KID!). What a great daddy to take him camping, fishing and on tractor rides.
i love father/child pictures.
did you know my parents live in harrisburg? they were at the olympic trails on the 4th but my sister and janessa were at the festivities by the water. :)
too bad the beaver gear NEARLY killed a couple of the shots...
We love the spontaneous grin on Carson's face in the pix where he is standing on the tractor wheel and has his hand on Trent's head. It says "I'm having the time of my life!" Gma Jo Jo
I am glad that Carson is feeling so loved during this change in the family. I bet he feels so big that he can do all these special things, now that he is a big brother.
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