The timing was kind of interesting, because Trent's family had a big extended-family camping trip planned for this weekend. After much debate, we decided to send Trent and Carson on the trip from Saturday to Monday. They offered to take just Carson, but he was already getting a little homesick, and so we thought it would be best if he had at least one parent with him. It actually worked out well, b/c my mom came to stay with me for the weekend, and she took care of me and Sydney like only your mom can. AND she cleaned my house, which was incredible. The boys had a great time and were excited to get home.
Now we're down to the business of learning how to live with a 2 year old and a newborn. It has been interesting, to say the least! I will surely be posting more soon, but now I need to take advantage of toddler sleep time!
Now we're down to the business of learning how to live with a 2 year old and a newborn. It has been interesting, to say the least! I will surely be posting more soon, but now I need to take advantage of toddler sleep time!
she is so sweet! :)
Aw, snuggles! It's great you got some alone time with Sydney while T & C were gone, and even better that your mom came to do the rest! God bless grandmas. Can't wait to read on the new life with 2! I know it can be a little crazy (especially with the nursing and corraling an energetic big sib), but you'll get your groove and in no time find that some things are actually EASIER with two. (I'll let you know in 5 mos. if that still holds true with three.:)) We all know that if anyone can do it well, YOU can!
You are amazing! I am so proud of you! I remember the stress and overwhelming feelings that come with a new born. I know what you mean about only a mom can take care of you and babe. When Tanner was 2 weeks old he asked me when I would stop needing to see my parents everyday. I started to cry! You really do NEED your mom in a why that you used to need her as a child. Your daughter is so cute. I love her already.
So great! That is a "workable" labor for sure. And it really does help you in the post-partum transition. You guys will do great.
okay jen....first of all, you look incredible after having Sydney! I wish I could look that good after having a baby :)
WHat a treasure she is.....I am glad you were spoiled this weekend and got some girl time in. Life is interesting with a 2 yr old and a newborn......but humor goes a long way to get you thru and we all know you have an abundance of that :)
congrats girl!
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