Carson has two uncles (and 2 more "uncles") who work at Nike, so this contraband Adidas outfit--although pretty darn cute--is frowned upon. Blame his Aunt Tara, who can't turn down a good sale on good lookin' clothes for her nephew. Also, Carson got a haircut! Daddy did the deed this time, and yes, it was a dramatic scene again.
Adidas? Where are my stones! LOL He's a cutie. I could use a little edge-up....
For shame!!!! Cute pic though. :) And awesome hair.
What a little stud! He looks like he OWNS that backyard...wassup?!
Carson- I will miss seeing you next wee but I can't wait to see your mom and sister. Jen I don't have your email for some reason. Can you write me I need to forward something to you ASAP!
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