And how many pictures can his mom post? Both are yet to be determined. Be prepared...I'm having a hard time deciding which ones to post.
At WiNeMa, there is a little inlet that takes water from the ocean to the lake. It changes in size and shape, but there is usually a large pool of very shallow water, and it is a tad bit warmer than the ocean. It is the PERFECT place for a (n almost) 3 year old to play for hours. This is a pic from up on the dunes. You can see Carson down at the bottom.

Sydney and I enjoyed from the sidelines. It was a sunny day with some good wind, so I was comfy/warm in a vest, but Carson was fine in his swimtrunks too.

Syd slept through most of the beach fun.
We went to the waves for a while, but Carson soon noticed that we gave him a lot less freedom when there's an undertoe involved.
So he decided back at the inlet was a better deal. He sat forever digging in the sand, dripping it on his legs, making sand piles...
...and running, running, running through the water.
We were joined on the beach by Uncle Chad and some other friends too for some wiffle ball and football.

We went to the waves for a while, but Carson soon noticed that we gave him a lot less freedom when there's an undertoe involved.

The next day, Aunt Michelle took Carson fishing.

If I had a nickel for every time I wanted to do this...

Trent calls this picture "before it all went horribly wrong." Trent even gave the BIG water slide a trial run before taking Carson in his lap, but evidently, they just went too fast and lost control a little when they went into the water. Carson ended up going under for a second and was a little traumatized. Yeah for lifejackets! (And plenty of adults around.)

What is camp without some BUNKS?

Here's the whole clan, including (far left) Jeremy, Wendy and their little girl Miley. They are kind of adopted bro and sis into our fam. Then there is Chad (Trent's brother) and wife Jess, Gma, Michelle, Tara (above), the 4 of us and Gpa. It was a great weekend! Sorry for the boring commentary, but I thought the extended fam would get a kick out of the Carson pics.

Love the pics! Carson is such a little boy - I love the water and sand pics. Also, I love the pic (and your comment) of Michelle picking Carson up by his lifevest. One more thing, I love that we can call her "Syd" and WOW I can't wait to see her this weekend! She keeps changing so much, so fast and she's so darn tootin' cute! I need some baby lovin'. And I need to talk to her about maybe doing some experimental work that could land her working in black ops in the CIA. I'm just saying.
Speaking for the extended fam, thanks for the photos and the captions. It helped us see a little of the fun you had. Love it!
Gma Jo Jo
Can I be a part of your family. looks like fun!
never too many pictures. oh, and i'm not like trent, i read every little word too. :) it does look like a blast.
Thank you for the whole lot of them. Felt like I was there. I know of this trapped water. There's a place in Pawleys Island, SC that we like to visit. Perfect for kids. The new one is so cute!
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