I don't have time to go through year by year of all the memories at WiNeMa, but here's just a few: I seriously took my first steps in the old director's cabin on Labor Day weekend 30 years ago. (That's the same room we slept in this week. I kid you not.) I went to youth camp for the first time when I was going into 4th grade. I got to sleep on a triple bunk! It was crazy fun. I remember watching awesome talent shows at 2nd High Camp for 4 years. "Fishheads" lipsync is still ingrained in my memory. I decided at camp that I was really interested in going to this little school in California called Pacific Christian College. I had more crushes on boys that I can count. I went down the big slide more times than I can count. I went to Week of Missions with my family numerous times and heard amazing stories that planted in me a deep respect and honor for those who dedicate their lives to full-time international outreach. I came here and went crab hunting with my friends from school for FBCS retreats and listened to the guys perform on the BFB: the Bodily Functions Band. I went to Memorial Day camp with my new boyfriend, Trent, in 1996 and he got a speeding ticket on our way home. After Trent and I were dating, we realized that we had been at the same youth camps and Labor Day family camps for years and never met. This weekend I came to family camp with my TWO kids and watched my son go down the big slide and play on the beach in the same sand I've walked dozens of times.

There's something really special about this place, and we had such a fun weekend. (More pictures and stories on that later.) I felt so blessed to have a new annual tradition with our family here, and it's even more special that my husband and I both have long histories here. Oh, and the actual tears came at the end of the last session, when we all gathered in a large circle and thanked God for what he had done in that building and for what we know he'll do in the lives of many more people in the new building. Then we sang "How Great is Our God" a song which I have blogged about before (scroll down that page for the post about that song), and when we went into How Great Thou Art and I lost it. But they were happy tears!
Your dad and I got pretty choked up just hearing you say it was to be demolished! Wow...so many great memories at WiNeMa. I came to Family Camp when I was a kid! (Before the present Mission Building was built.) Gee, I'm feeling old. Mom
Just to clarify...the Mission Building is being demolished to make way for a new one, not the whole camp.
I love your heart, Jen!
I got to experience WiNeMa the summer I was an AR for PCC ('97) ... and it really is a special place, even to someone without a history there. You are blessed to have such a legacy and history, and to now pass that on to your children.
What a precious story. I know Winema is so special to all you Oregon folk. How special it is that you get to share those memories with Carson and Sydney now too! :o)
I had never heard that story about you as an infant, Jen! How scary for your parents, but what an amazing story about what WiNeMa means to you and your fam. And you took your first steps there? Stop it! Thanks for sharing the memories. :) I'm SO, SO glad you got to help lead worship. I am confident your heart (and tears!) made an inpact on many there. Love you, my friend!
That is an amazing story, that you might have damaged vocal chords and that you were able to sing and give praise to the God that folks sought in that very building on your behalf! I'm so glad they interceded. :)
My folks are from the South so I never got to go to their old stomping grounds, but Judah's already venturing into my childhood territory, and I'm already all weepy. Sigh.
What a fun weekend at camp and a fun 30 years at camp too. I had a great time the week that I was there as an Admissions Rep. I loved that I got to be in the same place that you went growing up. JJ's sister was one of my girls in my cabin. What a special place and I am glad that you are keeping the memories going with your 2 kids. I love you friend.
Awesome legacy. And it's even better that you've blogged about your experience, to share with your readers and to help keep all of the details from your journey fresh.
What a beautiful place! And so rich with history for you and your family. How special that Carson and Sydney will also share in a place that has been so important to you. As Dionne pointed out, what an awesome legacy.
Thanks, Jen, for sharing this! It was a bittersweet time to say "bye" to the old building! And you being on the worship team with My Mandy was just too precious and wonderful to behold! Oh, and for anyone who's interested, those three crosses -- exactly where Travis proposed to Ali! Everyone should experience Winema!!
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