**Author's edit: after I posted this, I added a comparison pic at the bottom. Be sure to check it out.

Seriously, how cute is this?! My friend Beth MADE this little tutu and headband for Sydney. I finally remembered to take advantage of the nice weather and get a photo-op before it got too cold. I learned this with Carson, but it is still funny to me how crazy in-love I can be with this little person when I was crazy mad last night when she was waking up so often. (We've turned a lousy page in the sleep book, and she's been getting up 3-4 times a night, rather than her usual 1.) But when I see her smiling away, I just want to eat her up! Again, I know these all look the same to you, but they are different to me! Plus, I want to give the grandparents ample choices for their new desktop wallpaper.
OH MY GOSH! I LOVE them all. She is simply adorable. Can't get much cuter than a baby in a tutu. =)
SHE IS TOO ADORABLE!!! I love them ALL! Stop it with the chubby thighs!
SO CUTE!!! Did you take these pictures? They're amazing!
Also, about the sleep thing, we've been having the same problem. She was sleeping ten hours straight for at least a month, then about two weeks ago she started waking up several times a night. SO frustrating. We think she's teething but no teeth yet....do you have any other theories?
TOO cute! I am so glad you posted them all! I love each and every picture! I wish I could pick that little ballerina up right now and give her a big hug!
Well, Jennifer (Anne Geddes)Tompkins...You had your father melting over here in south Salem over these pics. Me too. I just can't stop staring at them and grinning. Now which one for our desktop wallpaper?
Gma Jo Jo
LOVE IT! She is so adorable!
She is SO cute! You're quite the photographer - and her outfit is priceless! Sorry to hear about the sleeping thing - that's so hard. Hang in there!
very cute! I love the yellow part of the headband....I wonder how she made that.
Seeing these made me sad that I will never have a little girl. But, oh my GOSH Sydney is a DOLL. Love the pics! -Kel :)
Oh my goodness...so cute:) I love the one of her checking out her tutu:)
So sad about her waking up so much at night!! Was she waking up to eat, or just waking up and not able to go back to sleep?? :( Hope I'll see ya tomorrow.
i echo the comments... she's a doll. i love the shot of her and carson too. they nearly look like the same person. it's good to hear these stories of how she melts you.
Who is this Beth person, and can she start making me outfits and headbands too????
Sydney is more beautiful than EVER!
I love the pictures, but have just one question: Did you prop her hands up on her hips in that one arched left eyebrow pic? You did didn't you. :)
OH MY GOODNESS! She is SO cute... I just want to kiss her! What a precious gift she is.
Love, love, love little girls! Isn't it funny how Carson and Syd look so much alike and yet you can see the masculinity and femininity differences even at four months? Too cute!
SO CUTE!! I love how much they look alike. I wonder if Tan and Peyton will look alike?
I'm thinking some hair on Syd will change their twinzy look a little.
Dang it: you're going to make my maternal clock start ticking again!! But I'm sure a bit of single-parenting this week will knock the wind out of that sucker. :) Precious: just precious.
She. is. SO. cute! LOVE love love her!!
Just getting caught up on your blog. These are gorgeous!
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