I can't even tell you how crazy I am about my baby girl. I just want to eat her up. Her little bald head, gorgeous blue eyes and funky little Carson ears! Love it all. But the last couple of weeks, she went from being a fabulous sleeper--day and night, to waking up several times a night. (Side story--before I had kids, my close friends would mock me, saying that I was going to go insane when the sleep-deprivation of motherhood hit. They were not mistaken. It is--without a doubt--the hardest part of parenting for me, because it affects all other areas of parenting and my life. ) So, this new schedule my little birdy has been keeping at all hours of the night is not good. Not good at all. I'm DYING! I talked to the doc about her sudden switch, and he said she's probably hungry. She's a little scrawny and probably going through a growth spurt. He said we should consider putting her on solids. NOOOOOOOO!!!
For some reason, I was totally dragging my feet on this. Partly because it is a big milestone for babies, and I still think of her as my helpless infant whose needs only I can supply. And also, because I've been there before, and I know how much work it is to start solids. But I decided I will try anything to help the sleeping. (Plus, I hate the thought of her being hungry!) So last night was the big night! Rice cereal con breast milk ala carte. As per usual, my philosophy on photodocumentation is: more is more. I'm not satisfied unless you, my blog readers, feel as though you were sitting there with me, fighting off the big brother from grabbing the camera, making googoogaga noises at the baby and wishing you hadn't put cookies in the oven approximately 7 minutes ago.
First little taste...

Huh?! What is this crap? Why are you doing this to me?

Maybe if Carson tries she will like it? (Except he stuck the spoon so far back she started gagging.)

This one is blurry, but the expression is priceless. Those are her "angry eyes."

Too, too, too, too cute and fun! I love the "what the crap" picture. Ha! She's has such great expressions. Also, what the adorable teddy bear???
Get over here already for some girl time extravaganza!!
I WANT A GIRLS NIGHT WITH YOU. BOO!!! But, I'm glad you get to have it with someone else.
Ok, the pics of her eating are TOO CUTE! I hope the solids help. I know how much you need your sleep.
And one more thing, that last picture of Syd looks just like you. I SWEAR, I've seen you make that same face a thousand times! :o)
Wow, totally cute! So, a girls night??? SO JEALOUS!!! And not just that, but a whole night of sleep with no one to share the bed with, or having to wake up early to a crying child! Seriously, we all deserve that as moms! Is there a mom's night out tonight or something? Man, seriously, jealous... Tell everyone hi!
She is just a doll baby! I love her! She reminds me so much of Penelope. I also postponed starting solids until I could starve the poor scrawny baby no longer. I am quite certain she's gained a hefty 2 lbs in the past month! (at least the chubby cheeks and thighs make the extra work worth the while!)
Trent... be cocky and prevail. Show Jen that you can take care of the kids just as well as she can! Even if you can't, don't let on. Make it sound as if you have everything under control.
Oh yeah, cute kid too... I like her "Carson ears".
so, did the solids help?
I love the 3rd picture! Oh, and I tried to postpone solids with Samuel, too, but his hunger got the best of him. But, the difference between breast milk poop and solid food poop makes a mother never want to start solids!
I love how you, me and Steph are all at the same stage with our new babies! So fun! -Kel :)
So cute... I sure hope the solids help her sleep better!
oh, do tell if trent discloses any good stories! :)
So cute:) I love to see their reactions to the new foods:) Hope your night away was peaceful and relaxing!!
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