The story about Natasha Richardson just broke my heart. She is only 45 years old and has 2 sons, ages 13 & 12, who will now start the devastating process of learning to live life without their mom. She died of a traumatic brain injury sustained during a skiing accident that took place on a beginner's trail under the supervision of a ski instructor. Sounds like a pretty safe environment, but she wasn't wearing a helmet. (Trent pointed out that we don't know for sure that a helmet would have saved her life, but it could have only helped.)
In the past few years, aforementioned hubby has made me a firm believer in The Helmet. This is much to the delight of my safety-crazy mother, who I think would have helmeted us 24-7 from the age of 6 if she had her way. So, here's an appeal from a helmet-convert...go buy one of these really cool hats if you are going to sled, ski, board or bike. (And I promise this post was prompted by the Natasha Richardson story, not the fact that 6 people I love very much are going skiing on Friday. But, you know...)

The other day at the park, I had Haley's scooter but not her helmet. In a moment of weakness, I almost let her ride without it... BUT I DIDN'T!!! I'm so glad I made that decision. What was I thinking? We are so very fragile.
How devastating for Natasha's family...
I was devastated by the Natasha Richardson story as well...
I'm with you - I'm kind of a safety nut. I actually border on crazy... Helmets are a must in our house.
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