And finally, some cake pics. Thanks for taking these, Mike!
Staying in character, Sydney had no desire to dive in to her special banana bread cake. She daintily poked at the frosting and was totally satisfied with that.

Aunt Steph and I tried to coax her to take bigger bites, but soon she was giving us the sign language for "all done." That's my little bird!
I think this expression is so adorably pitiful. Poor baby has an entire delicious cake to eat! I think the attention was just too much to handle.
Sorry - the deleted comment was me - I was logged in under my work user id. Anyway! These pictures have been so fun to look at - this has to have been the funnest first birthday ever!!
Adorable! She is so cute, looks like the party was a hit! I remember my first tea set. It was melamine with Holly Hobby on it. Happy belated Birthday, sweet girl!
Syd seems to be saying (in the last photo), "I give up! I can't for the life of me figure out why all of you grown ups are acting so crazy!" Thanks for the photos, Mike!
Gma JoJo
Andrew was the same way- "Get me out of here!". Who doesn't love cake, and when given the opportunity, want to eat the whole thing? It is beyond me :) Seriously cute Jen! Syd is adorable!
She is such a dolly! I love her. Tanner was the same way.
Hey Syd...I feel the same way about cake. Don't worry you aren't missing much! :)
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