Carson is now officially a student. He started today and won't stop for many, many years. OK, I know it's only preschool, but it's quite a milestone for all of us. Don't ask me if I documented it. You know I did!
Here's the big school boy watching his one allotted episode of Curious George before partaking of a healthy breakfast of milk, peanut butter toast and kiwi. (On the side, not on the PB.)
We had quite a few power battles this morning, and I really tried to reign in my control issues. Combing the hair was the first one. Clothes were the biggest one. I thought I was being so proactive and we chose some clothes last night, but I made a couple mistakes. First, the shirt he chose (from my approved list) was brand-new, and when he put it on this morning, it was way too big. The sleeves hung below his hands. So we had to pick a new one. I wanted a nicer polo shirt, he is rebelling against all things with collars. It was chilly, I thought he should wear pants, he wanted to wear shorts. We settled on NICE shorts that are long. He chose a ratty old sweatshirt that didn't match his clothes and is too small, and he would NOT back down. I gave in on that one too since I at least approved of the shorts and the shirt, even though they weren't my first choice. (But notice it is not in the pictures!) Also? We then argued over what SYDNEY would wear. I'm not making this up. He was adamant that she wear a pretty sundress (ironic, since HE wanted to be so casual) and I said it was too cold. He then wanted to choose her shirt AND pants, and I said he could choose one or the other, then I would choose a complimentary piece. It was almost funny if it hadn't been so frustrating at the time.

But we made it to school in plenty of time to pay our tuition, make a stop at the little boy's room and take some pictures. Here is Carson in front of the door to his building. He was a little unsure of the big kids going into their classes right next door.

Here is Carson's teacher! I'm going to try to protect a little privacy, so we'll call her Mrs. M. We're excited to get to know her better. Carson got very shy right here, but I told her that would last about 3 minutes.

After a few minutes, I realized there was no reason for me to stick around, even though school didn't officially start for another 10 minutes. So, I told Carson I was leaving, he said "OK!" and gave me and Sydney big hug and kisses and went back to this table with the ramps and the cars. I walked away thinking that it was rather anti-climactic, as I had possibly envisioned tears and drama, but I was SO relieved that it went the way it did.
Lowell Mikkelson would be proud.
13 boys out of 18...poor thing. My kids are 7 and 9...we have had little battles the first day every year over what they will wear. Neither one of my kids like wearing clothes that look "too new" and I want them to sparkle...I never win...but they tell me they will wear my picked out outfit on day 3 or 4. I will never understand.
Thanks so much for the post Jen...what a big day! Glad everything went so well...aside from the clothes fiasco. :) Can't believe Carson is in preschool! What a big boy!
Josh starts on Oct.5th after we get moved back. You have given me the confidence to bring in the camera.
Ah....your first baby goes off to become a man. Congrats to you and Carson on this milestone!
by the way, I never commented on your fab new hobby of cupcakes, but I had DREAMS of those babies after I read your blog.Seriously, I DREAMT about your cupcakes. How weird is that?
Guess I need to have one soon, huh?
Looking forward to inviting you all over for a little mommy time, what do you think??
Yay for Carson! And yay for mom! What an exciting day. Ok, and I just teared up thinking our boys are so big they are starting "school." I remember the first time I rushed into that hospital room and held him in my arms! I love that kid!
PS I have to say, despite all the clothing chaos, he looks pretty darn cute.
It is a big day and a big deal to us today. He is a very important and loved little boy.So very proud of you Carson!!!
Love, Nina
Good job Carson! You know I'll be taking my camera too. =) Can't wait to hear how it went.
Carson, I'm so glad I get to see your school on Thursday. Your classroom looks like a great place to be, and your teacher looks like a nice lady!
Love, JoJo
Carson looks adorable! I can soooooo relate to the power struggle thing. I have it times two right now, because Simone has really come into her own lately.
Mrs. M's classroom looks so fun! I love the circus tent!
Congratulations Carson!
In all of my years of teaching, I have NEVER heard of such an off set ratio of boys to girls. WOW, is all I can say.
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