Saturday, August 14, 2010

And the winner is...

If you are patient, you can sit through this video of the drawing...
If you are not, I will tell you that the winner is ERIN CHUNG! What is so awesome is that Erin was only able to buy one ticket--and she won! I love it.
The second place winner is:

Kristi Templeton!
You'll notice there's no vid of the actual drawing of Kristi's name--I swear it was legit. There was some sibling rivalry happening that included a tug-o-war with the red bowl, threatening to have all of your names scattered into the wind. So I only got the after math!
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this! I kept a very close record of everyone, spreadsheet included. Even those of you who conacted me just today! It is a reminder to me of how many of our friends and family are supporting us in this adventure. It means the world to me.
We raised over$250! It was almost exactly enough to pay for the courier in DC, all the payments there, AND the Fed Ex shipping to and from. You are amazing!


Kristi said...

I'm sorry about the tug o war...but i'm stoked on my girl SYD! WOOT! WOOT! I always knew she had my back! :)

chaniemom said...

So encouraging as we are trying to raise money right now for the last stage of going to L.A. to register Penny's adoption. We raised $250 yesterday on our first day of our garage sale. Very excited for you as you are in the early stages. Can't wait to see you bring your little one home!