Monday, October 04, 2010

One Less

One Less by Matthew West (The Story Behind The Song) from emicmg on Vimeo.

I loved this clip and I love Matthew West's song called One Less. I had heard of the song but only heard THE song recently, and knowing the story behind it makes it even more powerful. I always appreciate when adoption advocates articulate that they are not proposing that every family in the world should adopt, because they shouldn't. I believe it's something a family should feel called and prepared to do. BUT, every Christian has been called to care for widows and orphans, and there are so many ways to do that!

The emotions that I get when I hear this song are peace and excitement. Excitement that songs like this are being written, that discussions of adoption and orphan care are happening. Peace because I'm so convinced that we are on the path that God laid for us. I don't feel proud of myself, I feel grateful. Grateful that a friend emailed me out of the blue and said God was laying on her heart to ask me if we had considered adoption. Grateful that another friend looked me in the eye and said "Money [meaning the lack thereof] is not a good enough reason to NOT do this." Grateful that my husband was on the same page, being led in the same way by our God. Grateful that He has blessed our path each step of the way. Grateful that our home will soon be blessed with a child who needs a home, and that we are being used in His grand design.

Now go download this song. ;)


Becky said...

I love what he is doing with all of the songs he is writing. I heard him call a mother and sing the song he wrote in honor of the son she had lost the year before. This is another great song that he has written. It's pretty obvious that God is working through Matthew West. When he talked about the family coming home to the church members lining their street with banners I could picture your cul-de-sac lined with loved ones and banners when you bring home your little one. It's going to be amazing, Jen!

Jo B. said...

Isn't it wonderful when God gives a gift on peace? Especially wonderful when you are on such a life changing path. Love the song, Jen and love your heart.

Unknown said...

Yay! This song has been taking the adoption world by storm this week (especially after the big Together For Adoption Conference in Austin, TX last weekend.) It's crazy!:) Makes me so excited to see what God is doing as more people are taking up the call to care for orphans in some way. Thanks for taking us along the journey!