I remember when Carson was born I literally thought ahead to his first preschool program and how fun it would be. Well, we were out of town last year, so here he is 5 years old and this was his first one! We got there 40 minutes early to get good seats, and the way the seats were set up in the gym, we were on the end of row 3 and the people in front of us had scooted towards the middle, so things were shaping up with a big open space in front of me--great view of the stage!
THEN, two minutes before the program started, a group of about 30 people walked in and there was not very many seats left. So the "ushers" (who were some high school kids with good intentions, I'm sure) brought in a ton of chairs and crammed them smack-dab in front of us. We were no longer on the end and no longer could see the stage. My inner sense of justice was waging war with my (not as strong) inner sense of compassion and mercy. I had done everything right to get what I want and now these late-comers were BLOCKING MY VIEW!
So I abandoned all hopes of being the cool, calm, collected parent (and my husband's hopes of his wife keeping things into perspective) and walked to the front row, crawled on my hands and knees and sat down like the obsessive stage mother we all hate. Well, turns out I didn't crawl far ENOUGH, and when Carson's group came out, an adorable little angel's halo was still blocking him from me and my camera! I had to keep my lense pointed until our angel moved her head for a sneeze or sniff and then: CLICK!

And not to be left out, the next day I heard Sydney singing away, sitting on a box that had come in the mail. She sings around the house way more than Carson ever has. Somewhere in there I'm pretty sure she's singing about "My Daddy and Baby Kaitlyn," but mostly it's just Ooooooh and eeeeeeee.
One of these days, you and Syd will be singing together in the car and she will turn you with a surprised look and say, "Mom, we sound the SAME!" Remember when you said that to me?
Love the program pics of C-dog and our little songbird. They both charmed my socks off.
Sweet music to my ears from a handsome shepherd and a red haired angel !!
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