We have now entered the stage where Carson wants his "boods" on almost all the time. Also, the chalkboard easel (YEAH IKEA!) is a great project for him at this age and height, and has already been worth the $20. This particular day, he wanted/needed to go outside early in the morning, so we not only have his super stylin' boots from Mimi, but also dirty pants from yesterday and his PJ shirt which says "What happens at grandma's house stays at grandma's house." What's not to love?
Whoa, Carson is pretty good with the chalk! It looks like he can draw a coffee cup and write his mom's name!
Good work Carson!
...and is that some sort of dog/fish at the top?
Yes! You are very observant. The night before, we were pretending it was a sign at a coffee shop, and then we drew Minky's head (Carson's dog lovey thing) and made him into a fish. Random.
Dang! I was going to comment on Carson's amazing chalk talents! Ah well. He's charming as ever, in his little green boots. His face here is too much. Stinkin' CUTE!
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