That was how it started. In a room that had already been searched, but was, admittedly, quite messy. So I went to check the closet for the flip-flops. For some reason, the messiness of the closet really got to me (even though it's been chaotic for some time) so I started straightening up a bit, hoping to come across the blue flips. As I grabbed one of Trent's dress shoes, I felt something clunk inside. Hello, camera battery! Hallelujah! I've started to feel quite panicked, thinking it got into the garbage and was taken out and gone forever. What's funny is: I'm pretty sure Michelle had jokingly told me it was inside a shoe in the closet. Did YOU put it there, Michelle?
These days, my mental to-do list is so long, I can wander around the house starting about a dozen projects all day long, and never finish any of them. Plus, usually I try to be productive while children (esp. almost-3-year-olds) are awake, so that I can sleep when they are sleeping. But "productive" and "almost-3-year-old" and "newborn" are NOT words that go together well. Thus, the dozens of unfinished chores. But I did take a stab at decorating Sydney's room a bit this weekend. I've had my eye on a wall design for a few months; finally purchased it and put it up. Please also remember my warning about the pepto-pink wall color:

This design is from Uppercase Living, a newish company that has independent consultants who do parties in homes. My friend Kristen sells it. Their designs are so cool! I had to restrain myself and buy just this one last time. And I'm not even paid to say that! I'm going to host a party soon--in my house, but maybe I'll advertise on the blog so people can buy online if you want. Stay tuned.
Jen, SOOOOO COOOOOL! You described it, but it looks even better than I imagined. No offense to your Strawberry Shortcake years (cute) but this design is classy! Can't wait to see it in person.
i like the pink walls. and the syndey in flowers is adorable.
I.LOVE.IT. Makes me want my own house again just so I can decorate!:) You'll definitely have to keep me in loop for ordering some of that stuff! And hooray for you crossing off one more thing on your project list! And what's it been...two weeks now on your own with the kiddos? You go girl!
P.S. I just realized...I can't go to sleep tonight until I know what happened to your navy flip flops!
BTW, flip flops were found in the car. Of COURSE.
You are right, I did suggest that the shoes would be a good hiding place. Apparently, I think a little to much like a three year old. :-). Love the decorations in Sydney's room, be sure and send me an invite when you do have a party.
Dude - it looks awesome!!! I love the pink! Stop knocking it! :)
You are officially the mother of "more than one kid"...the wandering of circles all day long, always leaving one chore unfinished to start something else! AHHHH, it's the story of my life! And I hate to tell you it doesn't get better for quite some time :( But Sydney's room is SO CUTE. I've been UL demonstrator for a year now, and I LOVE IT! I won't try to steal people down south from your friend, but I am available up in Portland if anyone needs anything. You're doing a great job juggling it all Jen!
Jen, I love the wall design! That is so cute! I bought a similar thing to go over Madeline's said, "Such a big miracle in such a little girl." But, we didn't realize the letters were white and they didn't show up on the pink walls. Oh well. Btw, I thought our walls turned out WAY too pink as well! But, from what I can see, yours looks great!
Bunch... I looked up the website and I'm confused. Is this a decal or is it a template they provided and you then painted on the wall?
I love the product but get annoyed with sites where the info seems like a secret. They didn't have many products or prices listed... everything said to find a consultant. I wish I could have found more info on the site. In any case, this is so adorable. If we ever own a home I could see wanting to do one of these?
(is it a decal?)
FYI, it is a vinyl decal, like a rub-on. Go to my friend Kristen B's site (one of my links). She has the info needed on the left side of her blog, I believe, to see the catalog. Their catalog is actually really big with lots of designs, quotes, etc. Turns out another blog friend, Amy G, is a consultant, so you could ask her questions as well.
I love it and I will buy something. You know, I love the name on the wall thing. Too cute.
Jen, Thanks so much for mentioning my name for Uppercase :). Your design looks great! Soon I will have my own website and it will be so easy for everyone to should be here in the next week. Give me a call when you get a chance. -Kristen
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