Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Sign of the Times

A sense of urgency while stuck in traffic, circa 2000: I'm late for a movie and I do NOT like missing the previews!

A sense of urgency while stuck in traffic, August 26, 2008: An 85% potty trained child saying "Mommy, I have to go poop RIGHT NOW," a screaming, hungry infant and leaky boobs.

Oh, how the times have changed.


Jo B. said...

What, no photo???

woosterweester said...

Oh. my. word. Sounds like quite the ride! I remember a couple of similar times with Eva and Elisha (bringing me to tears). At least you can laugh...or maybe that's just us laughing. Dear wonderful, patient Jen, may you have the best of days tomorrow.

Diane Davis said...


The Unlikely Pastor's Wife said...

I'm with ya on HATING to miss the previews.
I am actually impressed you took a newborn and a toddler by yourself to the movies! You got the moves girl!

Steph said...

Ha! Sounds like quite the time!

Brazenlilly said...

Oh, just to clarify, I wasn't going to the movies with the kids. We were coming home from somewhere. I just remember being late for the movies was one of my biggest pet peeves back in the day.

butters said...

Love it Jen... "those" moments... will we really miss them someday?!

Lyonslove said...

So true! I feel you!