No, not THAT kind of hangover. We're having a Christmas hangover! And it's awesome. Because of the weather, our plans changed a bit over the last few days. We live within 45 minutes (normally) from both sides of the family, but due to sketchy driving conditions, we ended up spending 2 days at each place, including slumber party overnighters. This actually worked out to be pretty fun, even though we haven't been to our own house since Tuesday morning and have yet to open our own gifts! I don't have a cord to upload pics from my camera, and I'm still at my parents' house, so here are some of my favorite pictures from my mom's camera. Much more to come, obviously. I mean, it's me, Brazenlilly, we're talking about here.
Here's a fun sequence when Sydney and Jack were interacting. They are almost exactly 6 months apart in age.
Sydney sees her cuz...
Jack went right for her to give a hug!

Several moments of fun, awkward attempts at hugging ensued, much to the thrill of the camera-happy adults.
Several moments of fun, awkward attempts at hugging ensued, much to the thrill of the camera-happy adults.
This is another outfit of Sydney's from earlier in the morning. After her history with the Blowouts, I was SO prepared with extra clothes for her. I made her wear them all over the 2 day celebration (Eve and Day) and my brother-in-law said--"What is this? An awards show?!"
YEAH for Sleepovers! :o) Glad you had a fun, unexpected Christmas! I can't believe you haven't unwrapped your own gifts...good thing Trent already knows what he got! :o)
I'm sorry, is Jack giving her a hug or is he going to eat her? I can't tell. Cousins are the best! Merry Christmas.
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