Saturday, December 11, 2010

More pics

We are, like most people this time of year, feeling really busy! I've been making lots of Christmas cards, which is really fun for me and a fundraiser for our adoption! Check out the link on the right if you are interested. So, blogging hasn't felt like a priority. But I thought I would post a few pics from our shoot in case you didn't go look through the entire gallery, which I'm sure only a few of you did!
I KNOW, right? This was one of the first ones I saw and I love, love, love it. This is how I want to remember this time of life. When this was taken, they were literally knocking me over, but I just had to laugh. (Plus, I knew if I snapped the picture would be bad and the kids' mood would sour.)

She finally loosened up as our hour came to a close. This was one of the last pictures taken.
And this one pretty much speaks for itself.


Becky said...

Jen all of your pics were so beautiful and the ones of the kids were just too much! Love em!

Nina said...

What a dear family you are to me !!! To know your hearts makes these pictures oh so beautiful in every way!!! I got to hug you today and the gift is mine (: I love you xoxo

chaniemom said...

Awwhh! Your pictures made me really smile!

Wendy said...

Oh, my gosh! They're all so lovely. I love the one with your husband and daughter kissing. So precious...and the last one. Too cute.

Kristin said...

oh my word the last one is PRICELESS!!!! Your family is precious! I love the Tompkins :)