Oh, poor, forgotten middle child. When her brother moved out of his crib, it was front page news. Syd's been sleeping in her big girl bed for almost a week and I'm finally getting around to posting about it. Par for the course, her transition was significantly lower-maintenance than Carson's. She has slept every night and naptime without getting out on her own, but still calling for me to come and get her. Carson felt that wall fall down like Jericho and practically yelled "FREEDOM!" So, I'm pleasantly surprised by this switch, and also really grateful to our friends the Tiffins for giving us this bed! It's perfect until we figure out what our future bedroom/sleeping arrangements will be. Also, you can see we still have the crib in her room, as we plan to use it for her little bro/sis, but don't have a place to store the crib--even in it's breakdown form.
In this picture she looks so long and lanky--she truly looks like the 3 years she'll be in June.
But even though this pic was taken before I remembered to turn the flash on, it's my fave because of her POSE. Girl is a POSER!
Oh yay for Syd! She is a big girl and it does all just creep on you with the second doesn't it! I was thinking back to a year ago, remembering that Isaac was still in a crib, still had his soother, still in diapers and stood amazed at all the transitions one year brings at this stage of life. They are growing up fast, too fast some days! Love the poser pose. She truly is adorable.
What a big milestone.. interested to hear how she does. I'm dreading putting Jack in a bed because I know he won't stay in it.
CUTIE PIE! I'm so glad she transitioned well. Perhaps we can have a get-together where Syd explains to Wyatt how it's done. 'Cause I ain't lookin' forward to that one. In any case, the bed is darling - fits her perfectly! Love it! And her! And the quilt! And you! K-bye!
Looks like Syd is pretty darn pleased with her new sleeping situation. Thank heaven for blessings like this in the middle of tougher parenting days, right? Love you, Syd!!!
Sweet dreams sweet Sydney (:
Too cute! I think she may be ready for a twin sized bed soon!!
She is so cute! Yay for big girl beds!
She looks SO happy! What a cutie!
Ooh ooh ooh. I'm looking at these pics from a daddy's viewpoint and I'm seeing her at 13 and 14 years old - and wishing Trent the best of luck keeping the boys back.
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